Saturday, July 28, 2012

Does a good Christian eat the chicken?

JULY 2012
Let me just say...  I don't drink the Kool-aid

   Timeline:   January 11, 1972
   Location:   Westwood Hills, California
   Event:         Believers Baptism
   Who:           Janine Lynn Bolton
   By:               Myron Jackson Taylor

         HOWDY Y'all!     
   It's been a while since we have talked.  Talking to myself has proven to be redundant and confusing...   dangerous at times.  I was sitting here, listening to my music (all sorts of genres, I love Gospel and Christian music and that is where my heart is as I write).   

  I LOVE Ray Boltz!!!    I have loved his ministry for many years, his voice and gift with a song is from  GOD.  His songs are well known and heard through our Sunday Schools, Worship services, Fellowship.  I first became aware of Ray's gift when a 'end of the year AWANA Awards celebration' included his song 'Thank you (for giving to the LORD)'.  A slide show of the leaders giving their lives to God and in HIS service sharing HIS Gospel for HIS glory were shown with beauty to the amazing song Ray Boltz is well known for.  This song has a personal meaning in my life and is a special request to be played at the funeral of my father...   If Jesus doesn't come first. 
  In my life, I was taught that I was a SINNER (I really didn't need an explanation, I could see it first hand).  I was taught there was GOOD NEWS and that was in that Jesus came and paid the price for my sin.  Not just my sin, but every single sinners sin.  He bore the pain of this sin while he was brutally tortured on a cross.  The better news was, as promised, HE AROSE from the grave and went to Heaven to prepare a place for me.  My understanding was, I didn't need to do anything to qualify for this amazing gift... except to accept HIM as my Savior.  There were not any hoops to jump through, no special talents, I just had to BELIEVE! 
  I also understood that while I believed, I was still a sinner saved by HIS Grace.  I wanted to become more like HIM.  His life was my compass.  I know that I will never approach HIS goodness and love, but I believe I am to try.  I believe before HE came to suffer for me, the BIBLE shows us that GOD commanded us to LOVE one another.  I believe I have broken many of the commandments, but if I break one, even this one... I am damned without HIM. 
  I don't want to get too far off track, but I want to share that in my life... sin has manifested itself in visible, tangible, painful, fatal ways.  So much so, that everything precious was lost to me.  All I had was my boy, my God (Parents and siblings too).   I lost a marriage, a son, a home, health, 'things', peace, joy... all because of BLATANT sin.  I was judged and scorned.  I sought refuge in a healing place, among my Christian family.  While I did find love there, I also found judgement and distance.  I felt alone (and that is by design...   the devil didn't want me to feel love).  During this time, my heart went out to those who suffer through life all while trying to hold on to the Anchor of faith.  In my experience, I went under several times while some turned away.  There were a faithful few who prayed and prayed and to them I say THANK YOU.   I feel like I am emerging now, a little battered and bruised, but my faith is intact.  I am worried, however...   I was sad when I felt the loneliness of despair.  I give the enemy all of the credit... but where were some?  
  I want to get back to my point...  This is an AMAZING time we live in.  The world events might cause a Christian to say, 'HE'S coming soon!!!'    Now is the time folks.  How are we going to LOVE someone to the LORD, if we judge them and push them away?  Who are we to judge any man?  Don't get me wrong, the laws of our land are clear as to what we should do with a criminal... but what about something that is not criminal?  How do we feel it's our place to go out an HURT those He commands us to LOVE (and by the way, I am commanded to LOVE even the criminals).  If someone commits a murder, then we have a way in society to deal with it.  If someone loves someone and we don't agree -and let's just go back to the 60's...   I remember the way couples were treated, how people spoke.   I remember a couple who were married, with children and they were looked at with judgement and hatred.  People felt they had a right and even a duty to spell it out for the couple (as though they had not heard it).  Their marriage was still illegal in much of the country then.  A lot has changed.  No one would blink today.  What happened to cause us to accept this once demonized family?  How did the thinking evolve?  Why do we accept this now when they were in danger (for their lives) then?  In this case, I am just glad God shed some light on our dark thinking.
  SO today...   I was thinking about a friend who recently told me that they were BOLD in their comments and opinions and judgement of others.  This person felt they had a duty, a right, to expose someones sin.   I was stunned.  It didn't take long to see this individual is alone.  Literally, alone.  While they are Christian, they have no one who will come along side and agree that we as a group have any right to judge and assert our narrow point of view... possibly hurting someone, causing them to run and hide from the very thing God wants (a relationship with HIM).  Something I hear a lot of is "Christian bigot's",  "Christian HATERS", "Christian Radicals".   Where is the LOVE?  John 3:16 "For God so loved the world (that's all of us), that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, so that 'whoever' believes (whoever believes) in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life.
  I am going out on a limb here.   I believe these ARE the end days.  They may take another thousand years.  Watch the world around us crumble.  Watch the natural disasters multiply and grow like a woman in labor.   Isaiah 13:6-8 vs.6 Wail, For the day of the Lord is at hand! It will come as  destruction from the Almighty. vs7 Therefore all hands will be limp, every mans heart will melt, vs8 And they will be afraid.  Pangs and sorrows will take hold of them; They will be in pain as a woman in childbirth; They will be amazed at one another ; Their faces will be like flames.  NKJV
  I have always believed I will not know the hour.  I have always believed HE commands me to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, as HE first Loved me.  I believe I can't get to heaven by good works, but I know that I can't live this life wasting time on bitterness, hatred, spewing lies about a loving God.  I am to be HIS approved workman.  I am to follow HIS example while I am here. 
  Intolerance to me is a sin.  Judgement in relation to personal identity, someones walk are not for me to judge.  I am to LOVE you.  All of you.
  I love the 'Chick-fil-a family' and God bless them at this hour (losing someone in their midst).  His loss was felt everywhere.  Even those who are the object of controversy are feeling one way, or another.  It is my prayer that somehow through this... something so painful, so difficult can cause us to reflect and pray.  I would love to stop seeing my friends on opposing sides get so upset that they can't feel the love of another hurting soul.  Do we know today that they are saved?     I am going to have the Chicken, because I believe I should not judge.  I hope and pray that this painful situation can bring light to a horrible condition we are living in... fueled on hate.  
  Maybe... we can all get along.   Until then, I will go through the drive-through and get the food to go and share some with a hurting sinner.
  GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU.   Until then, I will see you here, there, or in the AIR


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